Getting Started

So how does one go about pursuing something of a change in trajectory to the world of data science? Well for me, the idea came about when this popped up on my screen one day. To me, it sounded like everything I should be doing - a combination of coding and statistics that is all about helping people make real life decisions in the world.
I research everything!
Step one: Can I do it?
- Look at the entry requirements, hmm...
- Do I have....
- An undergrad course in statistics? Check
- An undergrad course in computer science? Nope, there is that intro python class I took ages ago...
- An undergrad course in inferential statistics or linear algebra? Nope, but that's all that math I did in school, right?
- It does seem like they may accept real life alternatives, so what are my options?
Step two: Evaluate other options
- Review the suggested knowledge list. Hmm, there's a lot of stuff on here I used to know that seems a bit greek right now
- Review the list of suggested 'brush up' courses. Oh, MOOCs, I know those! And there's one from Udacity on the list...
Step three: Check out what Udacity is offering
- Review the free courses. Ok, there's a bunch of stuff here that seems promising, I wonder what I'd need to do to prove I've done this?
- Review the paid courses. Hmm, this Data Analyst Nanodegree looks interesting, but is the cost worth it? (Edit from the future: Yep, absolutely, totally recommend it!)
Step four: Confirm application due date for UBC
- Applications not open yet? Hmm, I have some time then, I'll keep an eye on it.
Step five: Life takes over for a while
It happens...
Step six: (Sometime in January) Back to checking the application date
- Ok, it's up! March 23!
- Time to get down to business!
Step seven: Re-ponder options with Udacity
- "If I'm really gonna commit, the paid option is probably the best way to go." (Edit from the future: It really is!)
- Make an application. Oh, the course doesn't start until February.
- Do some of the free courses in the mean time. Like brushing up on statistics.
Step eight: Start Data Analyst Nanodegree!
- Discover a world that I never really knew existed.
- Have the time of my life!