What I've Learned So Far

Well I'm bouncing around distracted, because I'm waiting to start DAND Term 2!
It seemed high time to do another 'what I've learned' post - I missed the last month because I was on vacation.
So here's what I've learnt:
- Numpy and Pandas:
- So much easier to manage databases with pandas than with straight Python!
- That even though I still have MUCH to learn, I can functionally use numpy and pandas to do some neat things
- Googling seriously is your friend! So are ppl who write nice documentation and good stack overflow explanations
- I really do love this data analysis thing and can spend WAY more time on projects than is required
- Bootstrapping:
- Learning this was a truly 'mind blown' experience for me - while in some ways it is all about traditional statistics, but some much of "unlearn what you have learned" - in a good way
- The trend in statistics is to start showing how all my go-to statistical measures might not be as effective as we thought - p-values, r2, null hypothesis testing! What are you all doing to me?! (I still need to write a post on all of this)
- How to estimate the parameters of a popluation!! The fact that this previously unknown entity is just amazing to me
- How to calculate a p-value based on my hypotheses - important stuff here.
- I have once again become 'that student' - the person that has to know all the intricate details of why and pesters her instructors with questions pre-written down, waiting for them to be available!
- Mulitple linear regression:
- The stats brain is alive and well!!
- The stats that I love relate to machine learning! I'm so looking forward to being able to get more into machine learning for modeling data
- How to use multiple regression and pandas to complete ANOVAs (I do like ANOVAs)
- That with the computational advances (and less focus on all of the technical math behind it), in the three months of Term 1 we are about half way through my 3rd year statistics course
- How to write READMEs:
- The intimidating is now no longer so!
- I now need to go and write proper READMEs for all of my projects on GitHub
- Kaggle exists:
- People who want to host datasets so that they can sit there for me to find and explore make me happy
- There is huge benefit in strong background knowledge before you start getting stuck into a dataset
- Data cleaning is REAL work! Hours spent just validating the structure of the data and making it usable
- I've started the very beginnings of my predicting changes in homelessness project that I've wanted to do for a really long time
- Wasnt' accepted to the masters program:
- This is sad but not the end of the line
- Currently sticking with the Udacity programs and seeing what I can make of that
- Will continue to review options as I go along
- How to add videos in html:
- The microsoft photo editing program has decided to allow you to make video editing changes
- Why, because it's fun :P See below!
Definitely the more you learn, the more you realize what you don't know and there is to learn, but I'm having a lot of fun! So many places to explore, so many mountains to climb.