I Moved!

So, long time, no chat. But, I'm back! I'm sure all of my readers will be glad to hear that this is the case. ;)
What have I been doing? Well, mostly, moving. I now have ocean bay views all day, every day and it's pretty much the best thing. But all that moving is rather time consuming and disruptive to the patterns of life.
I've also started my new learning adventure with Udacity's Data Science Nanodegree. Term One is all about machine learning - supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and some deep learning. What is all of this you might ask? Well that's what my next post will be about, at least, "What is Supervised Learning?" with maybe a bit of an intro to the topic of machine learning in general.
Hopefully now that my schedule has stabilized a bit more, you'll be seeing a lot more of me on a regular basis!